Scientific Talks
At the Radio2023 and GLOW Annual Assembly (Bochum, Germany) gave a talk on "21-cm Signal from the Epoch of Reionisation: A Machine Learning upgrade to Foreground Removal with Gaussian Process Regression".
At the Reionisation in the Summer (Heidelberg, Germany), gave a talk on "21-cm Signal from the Epoch of Reionisation: A Machine Learning upgrade to Foreground Removal with Gaussian Process Regression".
At the LOFAR EoR plenary meeting (Ra'anana, Israel) gave a talk on "21-cm Signal from the Epoch of Reionisation: A Machine Learning upgrade to Foreground Removal with Gaussian Process Regression".
At NORDITA Astrophysics Seminar (Stockholm, Sweden) gave an invited talk on "21-cm Signal from the Epoch of Reionisation: A Machine Learning upgrade to Foreground Removal with Gaussian Process Regression".
At the Radio2022 and GLOW Annual Assembly (Berlin, Germany) gave a talk on "ML-GPR for EoR 21-cm signal extraction from LOFAR data".
At the 5th Global 21-cm Workshop 2022 (Berkeley, USA), gave a talk on "ML-GPR for EoR 21-cm signal extraction from LOFAR data". <Slides>
At the Turbulence Day Workshop (Garching, Germany) organised by the Origins Cluster, gave a talk on How Robust are the Inferred Density and Metallicity of the Circumgalactic Medium?".
At the LOFAR EoR plenary meeting (Paris, France), gave a talk on "Comparing GPR and ML-GPR Signal Extraction Techniques".
Gave an invited talk on "Cosmic Reionisation: The Search for an Elusive Signal" at the 1st Astronomy Student and Alumni Symposium at IISER Mohali.
Gave a talk on the "Role of Star-Planet Interactions in the Observed X-ray Activity of HD179949" at the 12th IMPRS on Astrophysics Student Symposium.
Talk on "Searching for variability in HD 179949" at the Chandra Data Science Workshop.
Talk on the "Role of Star-Planet Interactions in the Observed X-ray Activity of HD179949" at the XMM-Newton 2021 Science Workshop: "A High-Energy view of Exoplanets and their Environments".
Talk (link: KITP Talk) on “How Robust are the Inferred Density and Metallicity of the Circumgalactic Medium?” in Week 8 of new results, in the "Fundamentals of Gaseous Halos" program hosted at the Kavli Institute of Theoretical Physics, UC Santa Barbara.
​2020 & Earlier
At the Department of Physical Sciences of IISER Mohali, gave an invited talk to the department on "Properties of Loss Cone Stars in a Cosmological Galaxy Merger Remnant".
At the Max Planck Institut für Astronomie (MPIA), gave an invited talk on the “Effect of Ionizing UV backgrounds on the estimated metal content in the Circumgalactic Medium of galaxies”.
At the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut (ARI), Universität Heidelberg, gave a talk at the “Teeminar” (Tea Seminar), on the work done through the research internship with Prof. Andreas Just on the "Properties of Loss Cone Stars in a Cosmological Galaxy Merger Remnant".
Poster Presentations
At the 2023 IAP Colloquium: New simulations for new problems in galaxy formation (Paris, France), presented a poster on "Cosmic variance suppression in RHD modelling of the Reionization era 21-cm signal".
At Cool Stars 21 (Toulouse, France), presented a poster on "X-ray Variability in SPI Candidate HD179949".
At the XXXXth Meeting of the Astronomical Society of India, organised by IIT Roorkee, presented a poster on "X-ray Variability in the HD179949 System".
At the XXXIXth Meeting of the Astronomical Society of India, jointly organised by ICTS - Bangalore, IISER - Mohali and IIA - Bangalore: Presented a poster on “How Robust are the Inferred Density and Metallicity of the Circumgalactic Medium?” and won the Best Poster Award in the category of “Stars, ISM and Galaxy”.